segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2008

Turnê da Revolution Renaissance oficialmente adiada.

Timo Tolki vinculou no site oficial da banda a comunicação do adiamento da enorme turnê que seria realizada no fim de 2008. Portanto, o show da Fireline com a Oráculo no próximo fds deve ser o evento que fecha o circuito rock/heavy da nossa cidade. Veja o comunicado:


We are forced to postpone our tour due to lack of professionalism and responsibility of the promoter Incartaz. They approached us with an offer for the tour in June, which we were very happy about. When the time came to start fulfilling the contractual obligations, it became evident that this promoter was incompetent and could not be trusted.

We are very sorry about this and we tried to book the tour with the new promoter Eric De Haas of Dynamo Productions, but due to his obligations with Nightwish's South American tour, he did not have enough time to finalize the touring arrangements. We have full confidence in Eric De Haas, who was responsible for the first three South American tours for Stratovarius. The tour is currently being booked in correspondence with the new album release. -RR

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Putz,a parte q mais me prendeu nessa notica foi nem a parte da adiação, mas o que ele falou sobre o Marcelo,não sei o que rolou ae,mas ficou foda ae...