quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009

Vídeos Iron Maiden - The Phantom of Opera

Mais um clássico a ser desfilado na Somewhere Back in Time World Tour. A referida canção está presente no primeiro full - leght da banda, o albúm Iron Maiden, de 1980. A música ficou imortalizada na voz de Paul Di' anno, mas a banda vez ou outra vem colocando-a em seu set list. Destaque para a instrumental da banda com belíssimos solos.

I've been looking so long for you now you won't get away from my grasp.

You've been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.
And you know and I know that you ain't got long now to last.
Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.
You're standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.
Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.
Yeah, I know that you're gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.
You know I'm helpless from your mesmerising cat call.
Keep your distance, walk away, don't take his bait.
Don't you stray, don't fade away.
Watch your step, he's out to get you, come what may.
Don't you stray, from the narrow way.
I'm running and hiding in my dreams you're always there.
You're the Phantom of the Opera, you're the devil, you're just out to scare.
You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.
Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.

O show do vídeo incorporado ao poste é da turnê Somewhere on Tour de 1986, gravado em Paris. É o mais popular registro em vídeo daquela turnê.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Apesar de preferir as musicas da era Paul na voz do proprio, não há como negar, ae está outro grande momento do show!!!